A firefighter looks at the screen of a Zebra TC52 mobile computer.
By Your Edge Blog Team | October 06, 2020

Podcast: CIO Hall of Famer Divulges the One Technology He Wishes He Had Invented

As a Zebra board member, former Accenture CIO and volunteer firefighter, Frank Modruson has been both a benefactor and beneficiary of numerous enterprise technologies.

Frank Modruson is a fierce technology advocate. He has also served as a volunteer firefighter for years and knows what it’s like to be on the front lines with mobile technology – and what it’s like without it. 

In our newest podcast episode, the former Chief Information Officer (CIO) of Accenture and current Zebra Technologies board member, talks about:

  • The standout technology of the decade (and possibly the century)
  • What it takes for technology to have staying power
  • How old technologies are weighing down companies and what must be done to release the “boat anchor”
  • What it’s like to be a firefighter and how the job has changed in the past 30+ years

He also shares the activities that bring him joy when he’s not out on the front lines or working behind the scenes to help protect the vitality of the Zebra community and his local community. Listen to this short, insightful conversation now:

Meet Frank Modruson: Fierce Tech Advocate and First Responder

In Case You Missed It

Check out other recent conversations with Zebra’s chairman Mike Smith as well as board members Linda Connly and Janice Roberts:

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