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Zebra has established a standard practice of seeking, communicating, and addressing product security issues in a timely fashion.  Vulnerability disclosure is a vital component to our Secure Through Partnership approach; enabling our customers to manage risk properly through awareness and guidance.  All Zebra products security bulletins and notifications are posted to the Zebra Security Alerts webpage.

Email icon
1. 報告
1. 報告

Zebra embraces vulnerability reports from security researchers, customers, third-party component vendors, and other external groups that want to report a vulnerability in a Zebra Product/Solution (VDP reporting page).

Data analytics icon
2. トリアージ
2. トリアージ

Zebra partners with the vulnerability reporter to investigate and confirm the vulnerability. Once validated, Zebra's vulnerability management team coordinates with Zebra product/solutions teams to determine the scope, severity, and appropriate actions needed to respond to the vulnerability.

Group of people icon
3. 調整
3. 調整


  • LifeGuardページ
  • リリースノート
  • サードパーティサポート情報
  • 製品マーケティング情報
Knowledge articles icon
4. 開示
4. 開示

Through coordinated vulnerability disclosure, Zebra publishes notifications to Security Alerts Page.  For maximum awareness, Zebra, as appropriate, will report vulnerabilities to MITRE to have a Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) assigned.