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VisibilityIQ™ Foresight 지원

VisibilityIQ™ Foresight는 VisibilityIQ™ OneCare 내용을 기반으로 구축하여 Zebra 장치 및 배터리에 대한 현재 상태, 과거 동향, 예측 분석 및 실행 가능한 통찰력을 제공합니다.

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일부 문서는 귀하의 언어로 번역되지 않았을 수 있습니다.


Foresight Videos


  • 회사의 사이트 계층 구조(회사 MDM 내에 정의된 대로)를 모든 보고서에서 사용할 수 있으므로 전역 또는 국가, 주, 도시 또는 사이트별로 선택하고 필터링할 수 있습니다.
  • 사이트 수준 운영 통찰력과 장치 수준 데이터가 제공됩니다.
  • 사용자 정의 임계값을 초과할 때 알려주도록 이메일 알림 및 대시보드 경고를 설정할 수 있습니다.
  • 미리 정의된 사용자가 만든 그룹화 태그를 사용하여 사이트, 모델 및 사용자를 포함하여 공통 속성을 공유하는 장치 집합에 대한 보고서를 사용자 지정합니다.

사용 가능한 보고서

Total Devices:  Provides an inventory view of customer’s total devices. The info is derived from all onboarded contracts and MDM platform. The report also indicates the device states in the operational environment and repair workflow

Devices in Operation:  Provides information on all devices reported by MDM during the previous 24 hours. The devices are categorized into “Utilized” “Un-Utilized” and “Out of Contact” 

Newly Activated Devices:  Reports newly activated devices and the sites at which the devices were newly activated during the time range specified. It also shows the first utilized devices and sites at which the devices were first utilized during the same time range.

Out of Contact:  Reports the Out of Contact (OOC) devices and aging info to pin-point potential Lost/Stolen devices. The sites with high number of OOC devices are alerted. 

Critical Battery Events:  Reports number of critical battery events (battery level below 30%) associated with devices over last 30 days on dashboard and over data range as selected by user.  The report will show if there are sites with too many devices with critical battery events

Physical Memory (RAM) Utilization:  Reports the top sites with high physical memory (RAM) utilization issues per user's settings.  The report will provide color-coded alert on the report tile to indicate if there are sites with too many devices with physical memory issue.

Storage Memory Utilization:  Reports the top sites with storage memory issues per user's settings. The report will provide color-coded alert on the report tile to indicate if there are sites with too many devices with storage memory issue.

Utilization Rightsizing:  Reports top sites with least and most device utilizations per user's settings. The report will provide color-coded alert on the report tile to indicate if there are sites with too much or too little device utilization.

WLAN Signal Strength:  Reports WLAN signal strength details at site and access point (AP) level. User can select any of the sites or APs on a site and view the signal strength reported from devices connected.

예측 상태: 기록 데이터의 분석을 기반으로 디바이스에 발생할 수 있는 문제에 대한 주요 인사이트 범주를 보고합니다.

Application Analytics Report: This report displays the applications & versions installed on devices. The report also tracks and compares total minutes used by each application. Use this report to understand how employees are utilizing Zebra devices, including individual applications.

Device Disruptions Report: This report shows the number of device reboots (user or system initiate) and ANRs (Application Not Responding). Use this report to identify devices experiencing frequent reboots or are unresponsive that may need to be repaired or replaced due to poor performance.

Scan Metrics Report: This report shows the total number of scans, the number of successful scans, and compares the symbology from scans performed by Zebra Android mobile computers. Use this report to track scan metrics to identify potential problems with the user or device or even poor-quality bar codes.

Battery Swap Report: This report shows the aggregation of battery swaps at enterprise, site, and device level during a selected time frame. Use this report to monitor the number of battery swaps possibly due to bad batteries, device issues, or environmental related issues. This report may help reduce the risk of device outage by identifying batteries that are not working optimally, so the battery can either be removed from the pool or replacement batteries can be acquired.

Smart Battery Health Report: This report shows the smart battery inventory, health status, and predicted remaining useful life of batteries. Create a battery replenishment plan based on remaining useful battery life information. Use this report to help reduce the risk of employee downtime by identifying batteries that are not holding a charge before the battery charge is depleted and devices become unusable.

이러한 보고서 외에도, VisibilityIQ Foresight 사용자는 VisibilityIQ OneCare 보고서에 액세스할 수 있습니다.