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Oprogramowanie skanera

EA3600 Industrial Ethernet Software for Windows

The EA3600 Network Connect Industrial Ethernet solution lets you easily connect 3600 Series Ultra Rugged industrial handheld scanners to Rockwell and other networks through a programmable logic controller (PLC). EA3600 Network Connect reduces complexity and reduces risk in PLC-based solutions by removing the need for OEM protocol conversion technology.

Developer Tools for the EA3600 include the following:

  • Zebra Industrial Ethernet Configuration Utility – Windows utility provides a means to configure and test your EA3600

  • Zebra Industrial Ethernet Developer Files – zip file includes all the files necessary to begin development of PLC applications that target the EA3600

  • Zebra Industrial Ethernet Add-on Profile (AOP) – EA3600 AOP installation package for RSLogix5000 integrates tags in a readable form for a faster development cycle.


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