A heavy machine sits in front of the AFV headquarters building
By Your Edge Blog Team | June 09, 2022

Keeping Track of Large Pieces of Steel Might Be Harder Than You Think

Italian steel sheet producer AFV Acciaierie Beltrame S.p.A. improves the efficiency of its inbound raw materials with Zebra’s help.

AFV Acciaierie Beltrame has supplied steel products for construction industries throughout Europe and the Mediterranean region for more than a century. With up to 200 trucks delivering scrap metal daily, the company wanted a better way to classify and track the incoming material. And yes, this is a steelyard, so AFV Acciaierie Beltrame needed a device that was easy to use but could also handle some rough and tough situations.

“Our staff work in difficult and complex environmental conditions, often having to operate the {device} whilst wearing gloves or at awkward angles,” says Martino Corsi, Group Service & Governance Manager, AFV Acciaierie Beltrame.  

The Zebra TC7X Series Mobile Computer satisfied those demands and more. The device provided a faster way to track incoming raw materials and simplified day-to-day operations. Just as important, it enables AFV Acciaierie Beltrame workers to easily and securely transfer data and relevant information to remote servers in real time to expedite scrap metal processing and support accurate classification. Read the full story now to find out exactly how this new technology-powered inbound process works:

Italian Steel Sheet Producer Uses Zebra Touch Computers to Handle Its Dirty Work 

Success Story, Manufacturing, Transportation and Logistics, Warehouse and Distribution,
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