De Vries International Transport
By Your Edge Blog Team | February 01, 2023

This Dutch Transport & Logistics Company Found a Better Way to Keep Your Sweet Tooth Satisfied

De Vries International Transport Company migrated to an Android® Warehouse Management System (WMS) to boost efficiencies within its warehouses and keep popular treats moving along to retailers.

Most of us get cravings for candy or chocolate, but we rarely, if ever, think about how these delicious treats get from the warehouse to the store shelves. De Vries International Transport Company is a family-owned, third-party logistics specialist. Every week, it handles between 7,000 and 8,000 full pallets, with teams picking up to 20,000 cases. Did we mention many of these cases contain dough and confectionary?

To help ensure we (as consumers) can get our hands on these sweet treats anytime we want, De Vries wanted to put a more flexible technology solution in place to increase order accuracy and processing speeds in its warehouses. As De Vries started to define its recipe for success, Zebra’s MC33xx Series mobile computers proved to be an integral ingredient. They can run the Android-based WMS, CORAX, which now helps De Vries’ front-line teams manage picking processes, cross-docking, goods check-in, inventories and much more. These purpose-built mobile computers also proved to be user-friendly, light and reliable, and able to thrive in multiple environments, such as chilled storage. Best of all, the MC33xx mobile computers can handle all the evolving software requirements that help De Vries seamlessly run its business.  

“CORAX works with all Android devices, but we like to recommend Zebra because we know its devices are high performance, reliable and designed specifically for warehouses, so they work effectively in any condition,” said Cor van Ooststroom, Account Manager, Davanti Warehousing, the technology partner who worked with De Vries on this project.  

Read the full story to learn how this new mobility solution offers De Vries accurate ongoing budgeting and a real-time return on investment (and helps ensure our local retailers are stocked with our favorite sweets when cravings hit): 

Dutch Transport & Logistics Company Deploys Zebra Mobile Computers to Increase Warehouse Efficiency, Prepare for Future Growth

Success Story, Transportation and Logistics, Warehouse and Distribution,
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