An Asian woman sitting in a wheelchair holds a sign encouraging people to spread love.
By Your Edge Blog Team | May 19, 2021

Meet the Champion: Why Rachel Fabugais is Stepping Up to Help Asians All Around the World Stand Up to Hate

Learn how you can help the Asian and Pacific Islander communities celebrate – and protect – their heritage. Xenophobia may stem from deep-rooted biases, but that doesn’t mean we should just let it continue.

The Asian community needs allies right now who are willing to both listen and use their voices to challenge racism.

Between March 19, 2020, and February 28, 2021, the Stop AAPI Hate forum received reports of nearly 3,800 anti-Asian hate incidents occurring across the U.S. And though hate crimes overall were down 7% nationally in 2020, they actually increased 150% against people in the Asian community. Unfortunately, this isn’t a trend exclusive to the U.S. The Asian Australian Alliance has recorded more than 500 incidences of COVID-19-related racism since April 2020, and the New Zealand Human Rights Commission says 54% of Chinese respondents to a recent survey had experienced discrimination since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. U.K. police data shows that hate crimes toward Chinese, East and South East Asians were up 300% in the first quarter of 2020 compared to the same period in 2018 and 2019. And reports of discrimination against Asian Canadians have more than tripled so far in 2021, according to researchers with the University of Toronto.

This is a troubling trend, especially considering these stats most likely represent just a fraction of the incidents that have occurred in the past year. Not everyone feels safe speaking up about the verbal and physical abuse they endure, and many are fearful that fighting back will result in even greater retaliation.

That’s why advocates like Rachel Fabugais – alongside companies like Zebra – are working to create safe spaces for members of the Asian and Pacific Islander communities to share their stories, connect with allies, and unite against hate.

Rachel, who is proud of her Filipino heritage, knows not everyone has the same platform she does to elicit change on a broad scale. Yet, she understands the key to eliminating xenophobia once and for all is by elevating everyone’s voice, whether they choose to use it to educate others, challenge biases, or give strength to those who need it most. That’s why we invited her to join us for a special Your Edge podcast episode.

Over the last several years, Zebra has been focused on promoting equity and fostering a culture where all employees belong. We’ve significantly increased our diversity and inclusion efforts, and we’re in the process of launching a new Asian Inclusion Network. We each have a responsibility to better understand the history of xenophobia and ways that each one of us can truly champion inclusion through our own day-to-day actions. But the first step to becoming an ally is to listen to others’ stories and understand the long-held biases – both from a societal and individual perspective – that contribute to systemic racism.

Listen now as Rachel talks about:

  • what it is like to be Asian Canadian.
  • the biases contributing to xenophobia.
  • how individuals and companies can better support the Asian and Pacific Islander communities.
  • why she personally is leading the charge within Zebra Nation to drive action she hopes will create a more accepting and equitable societal culture.

Listen now:

What We Can Do to Help Support the Asian and Pacific Islander Communitiies

Corporate Social Responsibility, Inside Zebra Nation, Podcast,
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