Therese Van Ryne and Drew Ehlers talk during a recent podcast interview about Drew's Global Futurist role
By Your Edge Blog Team | September 23, 2019

Podcast: Zebra’s New Global Futurist Gives His Perspective on “What’s Possible”

Drew Ehlers Dispels Rumors about What He Can and Can’t Foresee for Customers, Reveals Today’s Technology Game Changers and Cheers for His Favorite NFL Team in Exclusive New Interview

No, Drew Ehlers is not a hologram. Nor does he claim to know what will happen in the future with complete certainty. But, as Zebra’s Global Futurist, he does have a keen vision of what could happen in your industry over the next 3-5 years, particularly as it pertains to technology capabilities and utilization.

He recently sat down with Global PR Director Therese Van Ryne for our first-ever Your Edge podcast conversation to set the record straight about his predictive capabilities. Watch this short video for a sneak peek of their discussion:

As you can see, Drew is embracing a mix of market intelligence and insights from Zebra’s own intelligent edge solutions to understand – and communicate – how technology can and should be used in every sector from healthcare to manufacturing to professional sports to better “sense, analyze and act” on information available to you.

Listen to the full podcast now to learn more about what’s to come in automation, RFID and more. He shares expert advice on what you can (and should) do now to establish a future-proof technology foundation that will help you capture your edge amidst fluctuating market dynamics. And, he reveals which NFL team he predicts (or at least hopes) will go all the way this season.

Listen to the Podcast

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