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The new and improved Support and Downloads pages are now live! You asked, and we listened. Visit the Support and Downloads Experience page to learn more about this update.

Mobile Computer Software

Max Demo Application Suite

MAX Demo is a suite of demonstration applications that highlight the key features of Mobile Computers.


Software that is essential for operating and connecting this device. 

I agree to and accept the above terms and conditions.

Installation Requirements

This software package has been approved for use with the following:

  • Microsoft Windows 2000 or Windows XP Operating System
  • ActiveSync 4.5 or higher.

If developing applications for Windows Mobile 6.5

Please refer to the release notes.

Trending Articles

This software has been approved for use with the following devices:

  • MC3100 Mobile Computer
  • MC67
  • MC67 Base
  • MC67 Dual WAN
  • MC9190-G Mobile Computer

Additional Resources

Useful links and resources to enhance your experience.

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