Zebra Board Member Ross Manire
By Your Edge Blog Team | November 12, 2020

Ask the Expert: Has COVID-19 Impacted Corporate Auditing Requirements?

Zebra board member, Ross Manire, talks about the operational, financial and technological changes that companies must manage in the evolving economic climate.

Public companies, small and large, are accountable to many – from their shareholders to the government.  And with accountability comes transparency and the need to explain your strategy and your operations – in words and in numbers – to investors, partners, employees and even customers to build and maintain credibility.  At the core of this accountability is the company’s audit committee of the board of directors. It’s imperative for this committee to consider – and control for – all potential risk factors such as cybersecurity threats among many others.

As Zebra board member and audit committee member, Ross Manire, explains in our latest Your Edge podcast episode, there are many new threats to organizations’ stability these days, most of which have been amplified by the pandemic and all of which are leading to increased vigilance. Ross talks about why it’s an exciting time to be at Zebra given how the company helps enterprises drive automation and digitalization as the pandemic is driving a shift in companies’ use of technology, especially in addressing key trends in e-commerce, omnichannel and more.

Listen to our 15-minute conversation now to learn what adjustments have been made to maintain operational continuity, financial transparency and compliance these last several months:

Audit Committee Responsibilities and Operational Considerations in the Age of COVID-19

As a bonus, Ross also takes time to explain:

  • How companies can better leverage data to increase operational efficiency from the C-suite to the front lines.
  • The top six things that companies must think about when outsourcing manufacturing.
  • Why many companies should go ahead and migrate to 4G today and why some may want to make the jump to 5G – assuming they have the right technology strategy and architecture to reap the potential benefits.
  • What new industries might be created as the result of 5G technology availability.
  • Why you must learn to “listen aggressively,” better engage your teams and take “intelligent risks” if you want to be a successful – and relevant – business leader.
  • The expectations that most companies have for their board of director members (and candidates).
  • The joy he has found in being a newly minted grandfather!

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