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위치 솔루션

Zebra 모션웍스 엔터프라이즈 플랫폼 소프트웨어 지원


MWE Platform Software, MWE RFID Reader Management, MWE Mobile Inventory App

Motionworks Enterprise Platform Software

MotionWorks Enterprise is platform software, designed to enable solution developers to deliver business use-case solutions that take advantage of location and motion sensing to detect business workflow events. MotionWorks Enterprise is on-premise installable enterprise server software, that provides all the base tools to deploy and manage networked sensors, collect and enrich data, and report out sense and movement events via reports, streams, and APIs. The system handles mapping, monitoring, and reporting on sensors, tracking tags and labels, as well as on the enterprise resources being tracked.

Motionworks Enterprise Mobile Inventory App

The MotionWorks Enterprise Mobile Inventory App is a companion app for Zebra RFID enabled mobile computers running the Android operating system. Working with your installed instance of MotionWorks Enterprise, the app lets mobile users audit stock and assets, helps users search for lost items, allows users to correct and update resource data on the fly. The same app can be used to assign tracking tags, using any of our location sensor technologies, to enterprise resources such as assets, goods, supplies, WIP, and people.

RFID Reader Management

RFID Reader Management is a single module from the Platform Software, that offers a smaller, separate product for managing populations of Zebra Fixed RFID Readers. This module does not offer resource tracking but provides a single simple console (built-in web UI) or engine (built-in REST APIs) to manage all your Zebra fixed RFID readers. From making deployment easier, and configuring readers and updating firmware across your enterprise, to monitoring their health and status, RFID Reader Management lets you reach out and manage your entire population of Zebra fixed RFID readers.

MotionWorks Enterprise Screenshot

MWE Mobile Inventory App


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