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모바일 컴퓨터 소프트웨어

Workcloud Communication: Push-to-talk Pro Support

Workforce Connect가 Workcloud Communication으로 재브랜딩되었습니다.

Give workers robust one-to-one, site-to-site and group push-to-talk services over cellular and Wi-Fi networks, removing boundaries - your workcloud is always connected, regardless of worker location. Workcloud Communication PTT Pro is compatible with select Zebra, consumer Android and Apple iOS devices.

Refer to the Workcloud Communication Provisioning Manager documentation for information regarding the configuration of Zebra PTT Pro, Zebra Voice, and the Profile Client.

Android 8 is now the minimum supported OS for Workcloud Communication PTT Pro. We highly recommend that customers keep up to date with the latest OS updates and Workcloud Communication client versions in order to leverage the features from latest releases.

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지원 콘텐츠

전 세계 Zebra 사용자 및 홍보대사와 소통할 수 있는 커뮤니티 토론 포럼에 참여하세요.