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위치 솔루션 소프트웨어 지원

Below, you will find software that is applicable to the Zebra Location Solutions family. Each software page provides information on specific model compatibility and user device requirements.

rfid reader

안드로이드 부트스트랩 애플리케이션은 Zebra의 IoT 브리지를 구성에 부트스트랩하여 WLAN에 연결하고 서버 엔드포인트와 통신하는 데 사용합니다.

이 도구 상자 응용프로그램은 Android 장치에서 실행되며 NFC 지원 SB1100 자산 비콘을 포함한 Zebra의 표준 BLE 비콘에 대한 구성, RF 스캔 및 애플리케이션 이벤트 로그에 사용됩니다.

This toolbox application is used to modify the operating configuration of Zebra's enhanced indoor BLE beacons (SB2xxx family). There is a separate toolbox application for use with Zebra's standard BLE beacons (all models except the SB2xxx family).

This toolbox application is used to modify the operating configuration of Zebra's standard BLE beacons. There is a separate toolbox application for use with the Zebras enhanced indoor beacons (SB2xxx family).

This Android Receiver Toolbox application can be used as a system demo with new Zebra IoT bridges, enhanced indoor beacons, and standard BLE beacons. A single Android device that can serve a Wi-Fi hotspot can run the application.

This NFC Toolbox Service and Sample User application is a version of Zebra's BLE Toolbox Application for Standard Beacons specifically for the MPACT-SB1100-01-WR (NFC controlled) that can be embedded within an Android application. Zebra provides a sample application to demonstrate how the embedded toolbox application can be integrated and used.