A logo indicating that Zebra is a Top 100 Finalist in the 2019 Chicago Innovation Awards.
By Your Edge Blog Team | September 26, 2019

We Need Your Help! Make the Zebra MC9300 the “People’s Choice” Winner in the 2019 Chicago Innovation Awards!

Cast Your Vote by October 15, 2019

Anytime you receive good news, there’s reason to celebrate. But we’re not quite ready to celebrate the exciting news we received here at Zebra this week. That’s because the news could be even bigger next month – with your help.

The Zebra MC9300 handheld mobile computer that we introduced to the market earlier this year was just named a Top 100 Finalist in the 2019 Chicago Innovation Awards. (So cool, right?) And it’s a candidate for the “People’s Choice Award”! (Are you jumping and screaming with joy like us?)

Here’s the catch…

In order for the Zebra MC9300 to win the People’s Choice Award, we need people to vote for it. That means you and your co-workers, customers, friends, family, partners and professional networks. If you get along with your neighbors, it’s not going to hurt to ask them to check it out and vote as well. (Especially if you live in Chicago. All of the Top 100 candidates are “homegrown” in your community!) The best part is that it is super easy to vote. Like, less-than-five-minutes easy.

All you have to do is…

  1. Go to this website.
  2. Put in your name and email.
  3. Start voting! Simply choose your favorite company, product, service, etc. in each category and hit submit. Or, if you don’t want to place a vote in every category, you can skip as many as you want. Just don’t skip Category #14: Transportation, Logistics & Supply Chain, which is where you’ll find the Zebra MC9300.

That’s it. Unless you (or those you’re asking to vote) have no clue what the MC9300 is or why you should vote for it. In that case, step one would be to read this blog and watch the video at the end. Then you will completely understand why this next-generation, environmentally conscious, ultra-rugged handheld computer rocks!

(Hint: it’s helping warehouse operators, retailers and manufacturers prepare for the future while preserving the efficiency of past processes. Meaning, if you work in one of these sectors, you’ll probably use the MC9300 at some point to speed through your daily tasks with fewer errors, if you aren’t using it already. If you’re an average consumer, then know that the MC9300 is one of the reasons why the products you like so much can be produced and shipped to you so quickly.)

So, what are you waiting for? Vote now! (Though you technically have until October 15 to submit your “People’s Choice” selections if you absolutely have somewhere else to be right this minute or must do something else first. But, why put off what you can do in a few short clicks right now?)


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