Zebra acquired antuit.ai
By Your Edge Blog Team | October 07, 2021

Zebra Just Acquired Its Third Software-as-a-Service Company in Two Years. What’s Going On?!

We sat down with Suresh Menon for a revealing conversation about what Zebra is trying to do to help retailers, consumer packaged goods (CPG) companies and possibly even healthcare organizations predict the future.

Ever since news broke that Zebra intended to acquire antuit.ai, people have been flying high! We’ve welcomed a lot of really cool companies into Zebra Nation lately. But it was no secret that with the addition of antuit.ai to our software-as-a-service (SaaS) portfolio, we would have the tools needed to give you (our customers) the crystal ball needed to break the cycle of supply chain disruptions. “Empty shelves no more!” has been our motto – or at least our mission – for the past several months. Yours, too, we know.

Well, we hope you’re ready for this…

antuit.ai is now officially part of Zebra!

What does that mean for you? How will the incredible (artificial) intelligence and rare (demand) sensing capabilities of antuit.ai work with your prescriptive analytics, fixed industrial scanners, robots and other technology systems to help you better sense, analyze and act on what lies ahead? Will you really be able to forecast demand with near perfect accuracy? Or say with confidence the merchandising decisions you make today will move product tomorrow? 

That’s something you’ll find out in the next 20 minutes…assuming you hit play on this podcast episode now:


Why Zebra Acquired antuit.ai and What This Move Means for You

Trust us, this is not a discussion you want to bookmark for later. In addition to giving us the scoop on why the antuit.ai acquisition is such a big deal for you, Zebra's Senior Vice President and General Manager of Software Solutions, Suresh Menon, spills all the juicy insights about:

  • why Zebra is suddenly so interested – and invested – in software. (And you should be too.)
  • how our vision for the future is being influenced by your organization’s vision and wish lists.
  • all the amazing things you’re going to be able to do from an operational perspective once you’re plugged into the antuit.ai solution – and it’s plugged into your other edge devices and outside data systems. (Who knew weather forecasts could be so important to workers inside the four walls of a warehouse?)
  • how much money is going to talk in the coming months in the supply chain sector. (And how much AI predictive forecasting could help you save.)

So, if you want to be able to anticipate and prepare for what may be around the bend with more certainty than ever before, hear what Suresh has to say and then click here to learn more about what Zebra’s acquisition of antuit.ai could mean for your future.


In Case You Missed It:

Healthcare, Manufacturing, Podcast, Warehouse and Distribution, Inside Zebra Nation, Retail, Transportation and Logistics, Leadership,
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