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Materiali di consumo

Etichette e tag con codici a barre

Barcode Labels and Tags Manufacturing - Video

La più vasta gamma di etichette e tag, rigorosamente testata per la qualità, pronta per la vostra applicazione

Non tutte le etichette vengono create allo stesso modo. Esistono migliaia di diversi materiali disponibili per etichette e tag, ognuno dei quali presenta le proprie caratteristiche, che hanno un impatto sulla durevolezza e sulle prestazioni di stampa. Per assicurarvi che le vostre etichette siano adatte alle vostre esigenze, i nostri esperti in scienze dei materiali hanno pre-testato, selezionato e certificato i materiali per etichette e tag dalle più elevate prestazioni per garantirvi una stampa durevole ed un’usura di stampa minima, il tutto in linea con il vostro budget e le vostre applicazioni.

Pre-test vasto
Pre-test vasto

Quando diciamo che testiamo le nostre etichette, facciamo sul serio. I nostri materiali di consumo sono sottoposti a test rigorosi effettuati con una vasta gamma di stampanti, di velocità di stampa e di livelli di scuro, per garantire qualità e durevolezza nella stampa. Li testiamo inoltre in condizioni pesanti, usando macchinari specializzati, per valutare la durata rispetto ad elementi esterni, abrasione, agenti chimici aggressivi e temperature estreme, per fornirvi solo le etichette più resistenti ed adatte al vostro scopo, per permettervi di andare sul sicuro.

Etichette di ogni tipo
Etichette di ogni tipo

Con più di 400 carte tag ed etichette sintetiche ZipShip a magazzino, tutte pronte per la spedizione entro 24 ore, Zebra ha l’etichetta o il tag giusto a portata di mano per la vostra applicazione. Dai materiali sintetici alle soluzioni in carta standard, dalle esigenze personalizzate a quelle di conformità, dalle superfici di difficile etichettatura alle etichette facilmente rimovibili, antimanomissione o antistrappo, disponiamo di oltre 90 opzioni in fatto di materiali per venire incontro alle vostre personali esigenze.

Qualità senza eguali
Qualità senza eguali

Altri produttori sostituiscono le materie prime per incrementare i profitti, lasciandovi delle brutte sorprese nel momento in cui le vostre etichette non danno le stesse prestazioni a cui siete abituati. Invece di sostituire i materiali, Zebra effettua ispezioni di qualità dettagliate in 23 punti e certificate ISO 9001 per garantirvi una qualità coerente. Inoltre, usiamo solo inchiostri e vernici termo-compatibili per garantire le prestazioni di stampa.

Front view of staff worker using paper labels within the warehouse.

Etichette in carta

Uso giornaliero

Le etichette di carta vengono incontro alle esigenze di una varietà di usi che non richiedono resistenza agli agenti chimici o alle abrasioni. La nostra offerta comprende etichette a trasferimento termico e per stampa termica diretta con diversi livelli di prestazioni. Le nostre innovative etichette IQ color vi permettono di stampare a colori on demand.

Paper Label Portfolio

Material NamePrinting TechnologyKey FeaturesSpec SheetsCompatible Ribbon Formulation
Z-Perform 1000DDirect ThermalStandard uncoated label. Not recommended for exposure to moisture. N/A
Z-Perform 1000D-EDirect ThermalDirect thermal paper label made with 15% post-consumer recycled material. N/A
Z-Perform 1000D Deep FreezeDirect ThermalA matte white uncoated thermal imaging paper with a permanent rubber adhesive. N/A
Z-Perform 1000D High-TackDirect ThermalA matte white uncoated thermal imaging paper with a permanent acrylic adhesive. N/A
Z-Perform 1000D RemovableDirect ThermalA direct thermal, economy paper label with a removable adhesive. N/A
Z-Perform 1000D PFDirect ThermalUncoated phenol-free paper label. N/A
Z-Perform 1000D PF Deep FreezeDirect ThermalDirect thermal, phenol-free, paper label with high-tack adhesive. N/A
Z-Perform 1000D PF High-TackDirect ThermalDirect thermal, phenol-free, paper label with high-tack adhesive. N/A
Z-Perform 1000D PF RemovableDirect ThermalDirect thermal, phenol-free, paper label with high-tack adhesive. N/A
Z-Perform 1000TDirect ThermalPaper label, Matte finish with a permanent adhesive, suitable for indoor applications and cold temperatures.
Z-Perform 1000T High-TackDirect ThermalA matte white uncoated paper with a permanent rubber adhesive.
Z-Perform 1000T RemovableThermal TransferA thermal transfer, economy paper label with a removable adhesive.
Z-Select 1500DDirect ThermalPremium direct thermal matte paper label with general purpose permanent adhesive. N/A
Z-Select 2000DDirect ThermalPremium direct thermal matte paper label with general purpose permanent adhesive. N/A
Z-Select 2000D RemovableDirect ThermalPremium direct thermal matte paper label with general purpose removable adhesive. N/A
Z-Select 2000D PF High TackDirect ThermalMatte white top-coated Phenol Free Thermal Paper label. N/A
Z-Select 2000D PF Deep FreezeDirect ThermalSemi-gloss paper label with 30% recycled content. N/A
Z-Perform 2000TThermal TransferStandard coated label. Some moisture and weak chemical (i.e. window cleaner) resistance. Can withstand temperatures from -65°F (-54°C) to 200°F (93°C).
Z-Select 2000T RemovableThermal TransferPremium thermal transfer paper label with removable adhesive.
Z-Select 2400T High TackThermal TransferPremium thermal transfer matte paper label with general purpose permanent adhesive. N/A

Portfolio di ricevute

Nome materialeTecnologia di stampaCaratteristiche principaliSchede delle specificheFormulazione nastri compatibile
Z-Perform 1000D 60 ReceiptReceiptCarta per ricevute liscia termica diretta non patinata. N/D
Z-Perform 1000D 80 ReceiptReceiptCarta per ricevute a stampa termica diretta, opaca, non patinata e liscia N/D
Z-Select 2000D 60 ReceiptReceiptCarta per ricevute a stampa termica diretta, opaca, non patinata e liscia N/D
Z-Select 2000D 80 ReceiptReceiptStampa termica diretta, con rivestimento protettivo. N/D
8000D Synthetic ReceiptReceiptEccellente qualità di stampa fino a codici a barre stretti da 5 mil. N/D
8000D 10 Year ReceiptReceiptCarta per ricevute a stampa termica diretta, opaca, non patinata N/D
Front view of specialty paper label being scanned by staff worker.

Etichette in carta speciali

Funzionalità adesive diverse

Le etichette in carta possono essere dotate di adesivi speciali per usi specifici, come nel caso dell’etichettatura di superfici difficili (curve, ruvide, ecc…) o per quanto le etichette vanno sostituite o rimosse facilmente.

Specialty Paper Label Portfolio

Material NamePrinting TechnologyKey FeaturesSpec SheetsCompatible Ribbon Formulation
8000D Blockout Direct ThermalDirect thermal matte paper Label, permanent adhesive, suitable for cold temperatures. N/A
8000D DissolvableDirect ThermalSpecialty acrylic adhesive that loses its structure, dissolving in water and removing cleanly from the surface, while the facestock disperses into tiny fibers. N/A
8000T All Temp Direct ThermalMatte Paper Label, Permenent adhesive, suitable for Cold and deep freeze applications. N/A
8000T Semi Gloss BlockoutThermal TransferMaterial feature a special opaque layer creating a blockout label.
8000T Semi GlossThermal TransferA thermal transfer, semi gloss label with a permanent adhesive
8000T Ultra-RemovableThermal TransferUltra Removable adhesive provides long-term, clean removal from almost all surfaces without damaging the label or surface.
8000T E Semi Gloss PiggybackThermal TransferSemi-gloss paper label with 30% recycled content.
8000T Semi-GlossThermal TransferSemi-gloss paper label with permanent rubber adhesive.
8000T Semi-Gloss RemoveableThermal TransferSemi-gloss paper label with 30% recycled content - Minimum application temperature of -15°C and service temperature range from -30° to 80°C.
IQ Color 2000DDirect ThermalA matte coated direct thermal paper label with a permanent adhesive and IQ colour zones. N/A
IQ Color 2000D RemovableDirect ThermalA matte coated direct thermal paper label with a removable adhesive and IQ colour zones. N/A
ZeroLiner Linerless MediaDirect ThermalLinerless paper labels that eliminates liner waste, do not have a liner or backing paper. Linerless solutions can provide many productivity and sustainability benefits to your business. N/A
View of specialty paper label being applied to electronics

Etichette sintetiche

Durata aumentata

Le etichette sintetiche offrono una stampa resistente e di lunga durata ed una leggibilità dei codici a barre grazie alla loro resistenza alle abrasioni, all’umidità ed agli agenti chimici.

Synthetic Label Portfolio

Material NameMaterial TypePrinting TechnologyKey FeaturesSpec SheetsCompatible Ribbon Formulation
PolyE 3000T Matte RemovablePolypropyleneThermal TransferMatte Synthetic Label, with a polyethylene film, suitable for indoor and outdoor applications.
Poly E 3000T MattePolypropyleneThermal TransferMatte Synthetic Label, with a polyethylene film, suitable for indoor and outdoor applications.
PolyE 3100T GlossPolypropyleneThermal TransferGloss Synthetic Label, with a polyethylee film, suitable for indoor and outdoor applications.
PolyE 4000T Matte High TackPolypropyleneThermal TransferTopcoated polyethylene label with a high degree of opacity and good rigidity.
PolyO 3100TPolypropyleneThermal TransferMatte, synthetic label with a polyolefin film, suitable for indoor and outdoor applications.
PolyO 3100T RemovablePolypropyleneThermal TransferExcellent UV resistance, long life and weatherability.
PolyPro 3000T ClearPolypropyleneThermal TransferProduces good quality text and barcodes with Zebra ribbons.
PolyPro 3000T GlossPolypropyleneThermal TransferBi-axially orientated polypropylene film offer high tensile strength and good stiffness,  Adhesive has excellent UV resistance and weatherability on a wide range of substrates, Tear and water resistant.
PolyPro 3000T Gloss High Tack PolypropyleneThermal TransferStrong rubber adhesive for excellent adhesion to a variety of substrates, Excellent performance at low temperatures, Tear and water resistant.
PolyPro 3000T Matte High TackPolypropyleneThermal TransferMatte Synthetic label with a polyproplene film. Suitable for Indoor applications, strong rubber based adhesive.


PolyPro 4000T MattePolypropyleneThermal TransferMatte synthetic thermal transfer label, with a polypropylene film, and a permanent adhesive.
PolyPro 4000DPolyethylene Direct ThermalProduces high contrast images, Offers good adhesion to a wide range of surfaces. N/A
PolyPro 4000D removablePolyethylene Direct ThermalMatte synthetic label, with a polypropylene film, and a removable adhesive. N/A
PolyPro 4000D-EPolyethylene Direct ThermalWhite direct thermal polypropylene film containing 30% recycled polypropylene with comparable printability and performance as standard grades. N/A
Z-Ultimate 2500T WhitePolyesterThermal TransferOutstanding print quality, smear and scratch resistance  Good resistance to moderate and harsh chemicals and solvents.
Z-Ultimate 3000T WhitePolyesterThermal TransferThermal transfer, gloss polyester label with a permanent, high-performance acrylic adhesive in white or silver.
Z-Ultimate 3000T ClearPolyesterThermal TransferCrystal clear facestock, Outstanding print quality, smear and scratch resistance.
Z-Ultimate 3000T SilverPolyesterThermal TransferThermal transfer, gloss polyester label with a permanent, high-performance acrylic adhesive in white or silver.
Z-Ultimate 3000T YellowPolyesterThermal TransferOutstanding print quality, smear and scratch resistance,Good resistance to moderate and harsh chemicals and solvents.
Z-Ultimate 3000T High-TackPolyesterThermal TransferOutstanding print quality, smear and scratch resistance.
Z-Ultimate 3000T RemovablePolyesterThermal TransferRemovable adhesive which provides excellent adhesion with clean removal on a wide variety of surfaces.
Z-Xtreme 4000T WhitePolyesterThermal TransferProvides extreme chemical and solvent resistance when matched with the correct Zebra ribbon.
Z-Xtreme 4000T White High-TackPolyesterThermal TransferProvides extreme chemical and solvent resistance when matched with the correct Zebra ribbon.
Z-Xtreme 4000T Silver High-TackPolyesterThermal TransferProvides extreme chemical and solvent resistance when matched with the correct Zebra ribbon.
Z-Xtreme 5000T WhitePolyesterThermal TransferPolyester label that offers great print quality while also providing extreme chemical resistance. Use this synthetic material for applications that require resistance against the harshest chemicals.
Z-Xtreme 5000T SilverPolyesterThermal TransferPolyester label that offers great print quality while also providing extreme chemical resistance. Use this synthetic material for applications that require resistance against the harshest chemicals.
Z-Supreme 3100T WhitePolyimideThermal TransferSpecifically designed for high temperature and harsh environment applications ▪ Offers resistance to temperatures as high as 350°C (short term exposure).
Z-Supreme 4000T WhitePolyimideThermal TransferRecommended for applications in high-temperature environments. Can withstand temperatures of up to 500°F (260°C). Ideal for use in lead-free applications. Also available in yellow and green.
Z-Supreme 4000T White ESDPolyimideThermal TransferSpecifically designed for high temperature and harsh environment applications Offers resistance to temperatures as high as 535°C (short term exposure).
Z-Supreme 4200T YellowPolyimideThermal TransferSpecifically designed for high temperature and harsh environment applications § Offers resistance to temperatures as high as 575°C (short term exposure) § Excellent ANSI barcode print quality.
Front view of specialty synthetic label being used in front of house retail environment

Etichette sintetiche speciali

Per applicazioni specifiche

Le etichette sintetiche sono dotate di lamine ed adesivi speciali in grado di venire incontro alle esigenze di applicazioni specifiche. Tra le caratteristiche di queste etichette ritroviamo l’antimanomissione, la resistenza a temperature estreme e superfici umide, la scarica elettrostatica, la scansione a lunga distanza e molto altro.

Specialty Synthetic Label Portfolio

Material NameMaterial TypePrinting TechnologyKey FeaturesSpec SheetsCompatible Ribbon Formulation
8000D Jewelry with FlapsPolypropyleneDirect ThermalIdeal for jewelry, and ring labeling. Safe to use in jewelry cleaners. UV shield provides resistance to ultraviolet light. Available in custom colors. N/A
8000D Jewelry without FlapsPolypropyleneDirect ThermalSynthetic gloss label with permanent adhesive, good smear and scrath resistence. N/A
8000D UltraCoolPolypropyleneDirect ThermalDirect Thermal Label Can Withstand Temperatures Down to -80°C. N/A
8000T 7 Year VinylVinylDirect ThermalDesigned to last up to 7 years based on typical weather conditions and climate in the central European region.
8000T Blood Bag All TempMatte PolypropyleneThermal TransferHigh and Low Temperature Performance, the 8000T Bood Bag all Temp label has been specifically designed to withstand temperatures down to -80°C and up to 140°C.
8000T Blood Bag Deep Freeze Matte PolypropyleneThermal TransferSuitable for direct contact with blood bags.
8000T ESD Gloss Gloss PolyesterThermal Transfera synthetic gloss label with a permanent adhesive and high temperature resistance.

8000T Lab ResistMatte PolyesterThermal Transfer8000T Lab Resist must be used in conjunction with Zebra’s Image Lock™ ribbon to obtain the chemical resistance shown by our tests. It is a two part solution and other resin ribbons will not print on this material.
8000T Silver CheckerboardGloss PolyesterThermal TransferSpecially treated metallised adhesive leaves a checkerboard pattern on the surface of the product if the label is removed after application.
8000T Tyre-TackGloss PolyesterThermal TransferA gloss white polypropylene suitable for outdoor exposure offering good resistance to sunlight, in normal conditions.
8000T Tyre-Tack ExtraGloss PolyesterThermal TransferSpecially formulated aggressive adhesive designed to for ultimate adhesion to rubber tyres where other high-tack adhesives cannot adhere.
8000T Ultra High-Tack MatteMatte PolyesterThermal TransferUltra high tack adhesive offer an aggressive adhesive that is great for difficult-to label surfaces such as painted or bare metal and wood.
8000T UltraCoolMatte PolyesterThermal TransferThermal Transfer Label Can Withstand Temperatures Down to -80°C.
8000T Void MatteMatte PolyesterThermal TransferHigh quality adhesive offers superior strength and excellent adhesion on a wide variety of surfaces.
8000T Z-Destruct VinylVinylThermal TransferVinyl label with permanent adhesive that destructs when label is removed. Ideal for high-value electronics.
8000T Z EndureAcrylicThermal TransferA gloss white topcoated acrylic label offering 10 years outdoor durability when used in conjunction with recommended Zebra printers and ribbons.
8100T Cryocool Matte PolyesterThermal TransferExtreme Low Temperature Label, excellent print quality when paired with the 5095 -resin ribbon, the 8100T CryoCool provides excellent print qualit, durability and readablity every time.
8100T Z-Destruct PE Matte PolypropyleneThermal TransferA white tamper-evident label construction, Extremely flexible polyethylene film.
Z-SlipPaper Tag with Clear Polypropylene LabelDirect ThermalAll in one packing slip solution that replaces the traditional packing slip. Save almost 30 seconds per package and better keep up with your shipping needs. N/A
Zebra price tag being applied to a fleece jacket


Carta, sintetici e speciali

La gamma di tag di Zebra offre una vasta serie di opzioni per venire incontro a qualsiasi esigenza abbiate.

Tag Portfolio

Material NameMaterial TypePrinting TechnologyKey FeaturesSpec SheetsCompatible Ribbon Formulation
Z-Perform 1000D 110 TagUncoated Paper TagDirect ThermalProvides optimal balance between performance and price. Ideal for use in general-purpose ticketing, retail tags and inventory tracking tickets. N/A
Z-Perform 1000T 150 TagUncoated Paper TagThermal TransferProvides optimal balance between performance and price. Ideal for use in general-purpose ticketing, retail tags and inventory tracking tickets.
Z-Perform 1000T 190 TagUncoated Paper TagThermal TransferProvides optimal balance between performance and price. Ideal for use in general-purpose ticketing, retail tags and inventory tracking tickets.
Z-Select 2000D 145 Tag Uncoated Paper TagThermal TransferExcellent print quality and definition, resistance to moisture, oils and other environmental factors N/A
Z-Select 2000D 190 Tag Uncoated Paper TagThermal TransferMatte Direct thermal paper tag, no adhesive, suitable for indoor applications N/A
Z-Select 2000T 150 Tag Uncoated Paper TagThermal TransferTopcoated Matte paper tag, excellent print quality and definition
PolyPro 4000T 216 TagUncoated Paper TagThermal TransferMatte coated bi-axially orientated polypropylene tag, Excellent ink receptivity,§ Specially designed for use with Zebra 3200 ribbon to produce outstanding print quality.
Z-Ultimate 4000T 175 Tag Uncoated Paper TagThermal TransferOutstanding print quality, smear and scratch resistance, Good resistance to moderate and harsh chemicals and solvents, Tear and water resistant.
8000T Extra Tuff 180 Tag Uncoated Paper TagThermal TransferProvides excellent tear resistance, will resist tearing even when cut or nicked, Especially good for tags with hanging holes, Suitable for low temperatures.
8000T Tuff 190 Tag Uncoated Paper TagThermal TransferWide temperature range including deep freeze, Designed specifically for outdoor applications, For harsh weather environments and fade resistance.
8000T Nylon TagUncoated Paper TagThermal TransferMulti-layer, cross laminate structure for excellent tear resistance, will resist tearing even when cut or nicked , wide temperature range, resistant to many solvents as well as alcohol, mild cleaners and blood.
Zebra tag and label portfolio image

Soluzioni di etichettatura personalizzate

Scegliete materiale, dimensioni e caratteristiche

Con oltre 300 soluzioni pretestate e numerose possibilità di personalizzazione, Zebra può creare un’etichetta o un tag su misura per soddisfare le precise esigenze della vostra applicazione. Le possibilità di personalizzazione comprendono:

  • Dimensioni e forme personalizzate
  • Testi, grafica e loghi prestampati
  • Fino a 12 colori ad acqua e 8 colori UV
  • Stampa fronte e retro
  • E molto altro…
View of specialty paper label being applied to electronics

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*Si applicano termini e condizioni


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