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Kr00k 취약점 정보

The Kr00k vulnerability potentially affects all WiFi-capable devices that use WiFi chips made by Broadcom or Cypress. This includes several Zebra mobile computers and tablets.

The vulnerability exploits a temporary disconnect of the WiFi signal (state transition/disassociation). A malicious actor could force devices into a prolonged disassociated state, receive WiFi packets meant for the attacked device, and then use the Kr00k bug to decrypt WiFi traffic.

Only the following products are affected. Other Zebra mobile devices, handheld devices, barcode scanners and printers are not impacted.

영향을 받은 Zebra 제품


제품 릴리스 날짜
TC51/56 Oreo 5월 5일
TC70x/75x Oreo
5월 5일
MC33 Oreo 5월 11일
VC80 Oreo 5월 11일
WT6000 Lollipop
5월 15일
WT6000 Nougat
6월 8일
TC51/56 Nougat
6월 11일
TC70x/75x Nougat
6월 11일
MC33 Nougat 6월 11일
VC80 Nougat 6월 11일
ET50/55 Marshmallow

Disclaimer: Zebra makes every attempt to release security updates on or about the time that Google releases its respective security bulletin. However, delivery time of security updates may vary depending on the region, product model, and third party software suppliers. Under some circumstances, the OS must be updated to the latest maintenance release prior to installing the security updates. Individual product updates will provide specific guidance.

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