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Mobile Computer Software

Usb Setup Utility For Windows Support

The USB Setup program configures your Windows 2000, Windows 2003, and Windows XP workstation to connect via USB to any Psion Teklogix device. Once configured, you can synchronize files via ActiveSync, or update the device’s firmware.

Note: for PCs running Windows Vista and Windows 7, USB Setup is now only required to connect to Psion devices if they are in BooSt (boot loader) mode. With Windows Vista, Microsoft replaced ActiveSync with Windows Mobile Device Center. This Windows feature means that USB Setup is no longer required to establish a connection with Psion mobile computers while they are operational.


Software that is essential for operating and connecting this device. 

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Compatible Hardware

This software has been approved for use with the following devices:

  • 7530 G2 Mobile Computer
  • 8525 G2 Vehicle-mounted Computer
  • 8530 G2 Vehicle-mounted Computer
  • Omnii RT15 Mobile Computer
  • Omnii XT15
  • Omnii XT15f
  • Omnii XT15ni
  • Workabout Pro 3
  • Workabout Pro 4 Mobile Computer

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