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RFID Software

RFID Manager Application for RFD2000

The RFD2000 Zebra RFID Manager for Android enables the use of the RFD2000 as an accessory RFID sled for the TC20 premium Android terminal. It provides the following RFD2000 management functions:

  1. Status – A quick snapshot of the currently attached and connected RFD2000
  2. Settings – Various settings for controlling notifications generated by reader
  3. Firmware update – Functionality related to updating reader firmware
  4. Logger – Control various logging features and capture reader and/or application logs


Software that is essential for operating and connecting this device. 

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Installation Requirements

This software package has been approved for use with the following:

Supported operating systems:

  •  Android 7.0.x and later

Developer system requirements:

  •  Developer Computers: Windows 7/64-bit
  • Android: Android Studio (2.3 or later), and Android API Level 25 or later


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Compatible Hardware

This software has been approved for use with the following devices:

  • RFD2000 RFID Sled

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