By Your Edge Blog Team | June 03, 2022

The Day Has Come: The Three Amigos Say Hello to Denali

Follow along as three Zebras reach high for the sky in the next chapter of their Seven Summits story.

Months of training and years of experience probably can’t prepare Simon Wallis, Mark Thomson and Jason Harvey for what they’re about to experience in Alaska. The “Three Amigos” as they’re fondly known across Zebra Nation, are on a plane right now, flying to a glacier at the base of Denali where they will soon start a grueling 20,000+ foot hike to the top of the mountain. This was the dispatch we just received: 

"After an eventful journey from the U.K. with several canceled flights and schedule changes, the three of us finally met up in Talkeetna on the evening of 1 June along with JT and Alfie from the U.S. We spent all day on 2 June packing lunches, doing kit checks and completing Covid tests. Then we spent the afternoon practicing crevasse rescue. 

This morning (3 June), we had a final briefing and are just about to set off on the plane to the glacier. The weather here is hot in Talkeetna. We know it will be cold on the mountain. More to come from the Three Amigos…stay tuned.”

So, this weekend, as you’re celebrating the Queen’s Jubilee, taking a casual walk around the park or perhaps trying to stay cool in wicked summer heat, send some good vibes toward Alaska. The Three Amigos are going to need our support these next couple of weeks. 

Be sure to check back into the Your Edge blog every day to see if we’ve received an update from the team. They have a sat phone (and we have some connections), so we’re going to provide (near) real-time updates on their progress throughout June. 

Curious what compelled them to climb Denali? 

We connected with them in February to find out: 

The Three Amigos are Heading North Again as in 20,000+ Feet in the Sky North

And, if you’re hooked on their story, you can read all about their Aconcagua adventure in 2019 here: 

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