A manufacturing line inspector reviews quality data presented on her Zebra rugged tablet
By Donato Montanari | January 6, 2024

Should You Be Using AI in Your Manufacturing Processes?

If so, how? Here’s one easy way to figure that out.

Anytime there’s hype around new technology, someone inevitably wants to know: “How much value can this technology really bring to my business?

Of course, AI isn’t necessarily a new technology, but it’s likely a “new to you” technology if you have yet to really explore its potential in your production environment. So, you’re probably curious just how you could – and should – be integrating AI into your current systems and processes and just how many tasks or decisions you should be handing over to an AI. Though I can’t give you specific advice without understanding your current operations, objectives, challenges and service level agreements, there are some general considerations to keep in mind as you’re assessing the potential value of AI in various manufacturing realities, as I explain in my latest Forbes Council post:

3 Considerations for Manufacturing Leaders Who Are Turning To AI

If you’d like to talk about the potential role AI can play in your operations, reach out anytime. There are also a few other expert commentaries and podcast discussions that you’ll want to check out if you’re researching the ways AI could be used in manufacturing environments:

Blog, Article, Automation, Machine Vision, AI, Manufacturing,
Donato Montanari
Donato Montanari

Donato Montanari is the Vice President and General Manager, Machine Vision, at Zebra where he is responsible for fixed industrial scanners, smart cameras, machine vision hardware and machine vision software. 

Donato has more than 25 years of experience within the Imaging and Industrial Automation industries and has brought to the market more than fifty new products throughout his career.  

Previously, he served as CEO at deevio, where he managed all aspects of the business. Donato holds a MS in electronics engineering from KUL Leuven, Belgium and a BS in electrical engineering from Universita’ di Pavia, Italy. He is a Board Member of the Machine Vision Chapter of the VDMA in Frankfurt, Germany.

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