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MT2090 Device Configuration Packages v 1.0 Release Notes


MT2090 Device Configuration Packages (DCP) is used to configure and customize software running on MT2090 scanner.

Device Compatibility


Release Notes

Version v1.0

  1. First release of the Device Configuration Packages (DCP) for MT2090.


If the default install location is not changed, the components are installed in the following folders:



TCM application

\Program Files\Zebra\TCM2\tcm.exe

OSUpdate application

\Program Files\Zebra Device Configuration Packages\MT2090c50Aen\V1.0\ActiveSyncOSUpdateMT2090.bat

Keypad configuration software source code

\Program Files\Zebra Device Configuration Packages\MT2090c50Aen\V1.0\Tools\kbtool \*.*

DCP configuration files

\Program Files\Zebra Device Configuration Packages\MT2090c50Aen\V1.0\FlashFolders\*.*

Integrator’s Guide

\Program Files\Zebra Device Configuration Packages\MT2090c50Aen\V1.0\*.pdf

* The Manuals require Adobe Acrobat Reader which can be downloaded from the Adobe web site at:


Device Configuration Packages are stand-alone products that do NOT require the installation of any other development tools. This DCP has been tested on Windows XP.

Device Configuration Packages support side-by-side installation.  Each new version can be installed without uninstalling older versions. This allows the developer to work with several different versions on the same development PC.

The installed DCP components can be easily accessed using the "Zebra Device Configuration Packages" program group on the Windows Start Menu.


  1. Slow TCM builds - Some versions of anti-virus software may cause the build script process of TCM to run slowly.  To prevent this situation, disable the anti-virus software during builds.