Zebraは、一貫した正確な追跡を行う幅広いRAIN RFIDリーダー、アンテナ、プリンタを取り揃えています。
Zebraの高堅牢タブレットと2 in 1のラップトップはスリムかつ軽量でありながら堅牢で、どこにいても、慣れ親しんだ使いやすいOS(WindowsまたはAndroid)で作業できます。
Explore Zebra’s printer software to integrate, manage and monitor printers easily, maximizing IT resources and minimizing down time.
Zebra DNAは、それぞれのZebraデバイスの使用期間全体にわたり、全員に理想的な体験を提供する、業界で最も広範なエンタープライズソフトウェアスイートです。
マシンビジョンソフトウェアのZebra Auroraスイートを使用すると、追跡/トレース、ビジョン検査、産業用オートメーションのニーズを解決できます。
Zebra Aurora Focusは、全社規模の製造およびロジスティクス自動化ソリューションの制御に、今までにないレベルの簡素さをもたらします。この強力なインターフェースにより、Zebraの固定型産業用スキャナおよびマシンビジョンスマートカメラのセットアップ、導入、実行が容易にできます。また、さまざまなツールを用意する必要がなくなり、習得と導入にかかる時間が短縮されます。
Aurora Imaging Library™(従来のMatrox Imaging Library)のマシンビジョンソフトウェア開発キット(SDK)には、画像の読み取り、処理、分析、注釈、表示、アーカイブに対応する非常に優れたツールコレクションがあります。コードレベルのカスタマイズはここから始めます。
Aurora Design Assistant™(従来のMatrox Design Assistant)の統合開発環境(IDE)は、マシンビジョンアプリケーション作成用のフローチャート方式のプラットフォームで、開発を高速化し、ソリューションを迅速にオンライン化するためのテンプレートが揃っています。
ビジョンアプリケーションを熟知した、経験豊富なプログラマー向けに設計されたAurora Vision Libraryは、Aurora Vision Studioソフトウェアと同じ高度な機能を提供しますが、プログラミング言語を使用します。
マシン/コンピュータビジョンエンジニアのための画像処理ソフトウェアAurora Vision Studioを使用すると、強力なOEMビジョンアプリケーションの作成、統合、監視を迅速に行うことができます。
Zebra Technologiesのサポートに対し、電子メール、チャットを含めたご都合のよい方法で、技術的な問題についてお問い合わせいただくか、修理依頼を開始してください。
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Simplify printer rollouts and ongoing management for your IT team. Seamlessly and securely connect printers into cloud-based apps. Remotely manage, secure and troubleshoot printers from anywhere, at any time. Automate printer updates to Wi-Fi certificates and encrypted connections. Guard your printer endpoints and defend against cyberattacks with layers of protection.
You want your printers to work so well that you hardly ever think about them. Zebra DNA for Printers delivers by making integration simple and downtime minimal. Effortlessly integrate printers into existing print systems and emulate legacy command languages for greater agility. Take advantage of advanced cross-platform development tools to create highly flexible apps.
With Zebra DNA, you get the business outcomes to get a better return on your investment. Our purpose-built tools and software are designed for the enterprise and fully leverages our device capabilities to enhance user productivity, simplify management, and ensure security.
Simplify printer configuration to enhance your out-of-box experience and easily identify ways to improve printer security.
Discover all your networked printers and distribute configurations via your browser.
Zebra's ZBI 2.0 Key Manager helps you quickly enable your Zebra printers to use the powerful ZBI 2.0 language.
Easily scan, tap or touch to pair printers with mobile solutions and launch an app.
Discover all your networked printers and distribute configurations via your browser.
Enables your IT staff to centrally deploy, manage and monitor your Zebra printers, while lowering costs and increasing uptime.
Zebra's ZBI 2.0 Key Manager helps you quickly enable your Zebra printers to use the powerful ZBI 2.0 language.
Easily identify ways to improve printer security by comparing settings with security best practices.
Gain easy access to fleetwide metrics and get visual feedback of charge status and battery state of health on demand.
Ensure printers have their own unique Wi-Fi certificate that auto-updates when expired.
Intuitively designed, Zebra Print allows you to easily print directly from Android applications.
Print PDF documents directly from ERP systems, such as Oracle and SAP without middleware.
Customize and enhance your Zebra printers with ZBI 2.0, Zebra's optional programming language.
Access all the tools needed for flexible custom solution development across multiple environments and infrastructures.
Enables driverless printing from mobile solutions.
Effortlessly integrate Zebra printers into existing printer deployments without complex programming changes. Printer Emulations are on-printer apps that allow printers to use a variety of printer command languages, while adding the benefits of manageability and security.
Design tools that allow you to quickly and easily design a customized print solution.
The only complete multi-language software that is Unicode-compliant, for fast multi-language, on-demand thermal printing.
Link-OS™ pairs an operating system for smart Zebra devices with powerful software apps.
The Zebra AirWatch™ Connector is the easy way to manage Link-OS devices directly from the AirWatch environment across WLAN and Ethernet infrastructures.
Network Connect printer software for Link-OS printers cuts the cost, complexity and time needed to integrate a printing solution with your plant floor.
Streamline barcode label printing with Zebra's Enterprise Connector Solution. Print labels directly from Oracle™ eBusiness Suite (eBS) application.
An advanced printer management software equipped with IoT technology, SOTI Connect provides enterprise printer management solution for Zebra printers.
Oracle-tailored barcode and RFID printing solution that allows for quick and simple integration of Zebra™ barcode and RFID printers.
Zebra's CardStudio ID card design software extends your card design and printing capabilities.
Producing barcode and RFID output from SAP™ applications is our expertise. Zebra is a silver-level member of the SAP Printer Vendor Program.
Zebra's Card SDK gives developers the ability to quickly integrate commands into a card application for control of features and functions of Zebra's card printers.
Be free from managing your thermal printer fleet and print supplies with Managed Print Services (MPS) and Zebra. Spot hidden expenses. Reduce CapEx costs. Automate supplies replenishment. Minimize IT workload. It's easy with Zebra thermal printers and our exclusive Zebra DNA software toolset. Unlike others, Zebra printers have the unparalleled intelligence and security needed to remotely manage, monitor, push updates and secure from anywhere – all while ensuring peak performance and visibility.
Printers should make your job easier, not create obstacles. Remove the hassle with Zebra printers, print supplies and MPS. By outsourcing with MPS, every printer and your supplies are managed in one streamlined fashion to relieve your headaches and alleviate costs. Zebra printers include it all – unparalleled intelligence, security and durability.
Implement MPS with confidence with Zebra thermal printers, featuring our exclusive Zebra DNA software for printers. This intelligent toolset makes our printers easy for your MPS provider to integrate, monitor, manage and secure. Driving performance today and tomorrow, our printers advance with technology to give you an innovative edge.
Leverage Zebra's powerful ISV and expert partner community to drive smarter decision making in your MPS program. With Zebra's intelligent printers, your MPS provider has the data-driven intelligence to know what supplies you need, plan service, security and software updates. Zebra empowers partners to deliver better service, and smarter MPS solutions.
Want to take the burden of configuring, securing, monitoring and managing your thermal printers off your IT or operations team? Need a better way to replenish supplies inventory? You can now enlist the help of a Managed Print Services provider thanks to Zebra and our Zebra DNA printers.
Unlock the power of enterprise device software. Keep your hardware relevant and adaptive to your changing needs with the right software and simplify your team’s experience for the lifetime of your Zebra devices.
ZEBRA、ZebraヘッドグラフィックおよびZebra Technologiesのロゴは世界の多くの国々で登録されたZebra Technologies Corporationの商標です。その他の商標はすべて、それぞれの所有者に帰属します。©2025 Zebra Technologies Corp. and/or its affiliates.