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IoT Connector for Scanners (Windows & Linux)

Zebra’s IoT Connector for scanners is a fully automated, real-time enterprise data collection tool, that empowers businesses with the intelligence to do more with their Zebra scanner by analyzing and acting on the data they provide.

  • Easy Cloud Integration: IoT Connector routes data from Zebra devices into your preferred IoT endpoint, like a data lake in the cloud.
  • Enterprise Data Collection: IoT Connector enables your analytics dashboard to access vital information from your fleet of Zebra devices—real-time alerts, health statistics, barcode scans, all with date and time stamps.
  • Alternative Data Pipe: IoT Connector routes data independently from your existing host application, so it can enable valuable insights without compromising protected, business-critical data streams.
  • Off-the-Shelf Tool: IoT Connector is simple to configure—no coding required. Just specify what types of data you want to collect, how often, and where to send it, and IoT Connector takes care of the rest.


For high uptime and availability, we can help your business ensure its Zebra mobile computers, bar code scanners, RFID devices and wireless LAN (WLAN) infrastructure are online and ready for business.


VisibilityIQ™ OneCare™ 

VisibilityIQ™ OneCare™ provides critical operational information to give you insight into key repair KPIs, service levels and repair service performance.

Free to customers with a Zebra OneCare™  active contract.

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