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The new and improved Support and Downloads pages are now live! You asked, and we listened. Visit the Support and Downloads Experience page to learn more about this update.

Multi-Language Support

Repair Portal in different languages

The Zebra Technologies Repair Order Portal Now Speaks Many Languages

The Repair Order Portal is even easier to use now that it is available in 18 languages! You can see the language options – and select the one that works best for you – by using the drop-down Login menu for returning users on the left side of the Request a Repair page. Or, after you have logged into the Repair Order Portal itself, you may select/change the language interface in the upper-right corner of any screen.

Multilingual Training and Support Materials

We have recently released additional language versions of our Portal support resources, including brief recorded training demonstrations for the most common activities, job aids, and training guides. We continue to add materials in additional languages so please check the Resources and Training page often.