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GPS Week Number Rollover Information

Certain GPS-enabled Zebra mobile computing devices with older software images may be affected by an industry-wide change in the GPS, starting at 12:00 GMT Midnight on November 3rd, 2019.

For more information, please see:

Impacted Zebra Products

Download BSP updates and patches from the support page for your device. If you are not on the specified BSP, you must load the full base BSP followed by the corresponding update. Refer to the release notes for proper installation procedures.

The following devices may experience issues :

Mobile Computers

MC4504.17.02GPS Rollover FixWEHH 6.5
MC6505.48.0002GPS Rollover FixWEHH 6.5
MC67NA06.01.16  and 03.05.15 
GPS Rollover FixJelly Bean 
03.20.01LifeGuard 06 UpdateKitKat | FIPS KitKat
TC552.68LifeGuard 13 UpdateKitKat GMS | Non-GMS
1.79, 01.77 and 01.74 GPS Rollover FixJelly Bean GMS | Non-GMS
01.06.01, and GPS Rollover FixVerizon 3G Jelly Bean GMS | Non-GMS
01.05.01, 01.07.01 and 01.09 GPS Rollover FixVerizon 4G Jelly Bean GMS | Non-GMS
TC7502.10.02LifeGuard Update 12Lollipop GMS | Non-GMS | FIPS
00.15.06LifeGuard Update 05KitKat GMS | Non-GMS


C5m/F5mCellular (WWAN) Module Drivers (Sierra Wireless)GPS Week Number Rollover PatchWindows 10/8/7
ET102.20.2529, 02.20.2478, 01.20.2345 and 01.20.1651 GPS Rollover FixJelly Bean GPS
R12Cellular (WWAN) Module Drivers (Sierra Wireless)
GPS Week Number Rollover PatchWindows 10/8/7